The Benefits of Professional Mentorship

The concept of mentorship dates to ancient mythology. In Homer’s Odyssey, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, assumes the appearance of a guide named Mentor. Through Mentor, mentee Telemachus gains a better understanding of his role in life and society. 

Unfortunately, we can't seek the counsel of a Greek god for career advice. But we can pursue direction from the people in our industry. Even in college, mentorships can be an integral part of academic and career success. UF PRSSA’s mentorship program, for example, pairs members with experienced students who can cultivate professional development. 

Whether inside or outside of PRSSA, professional mentorship offers a host of benefits for mentees. 

Helps you articulate and reach your career goals 

Creating professional goals is hard. And attaining them is even harder. With their extensive experience, mentors can determine your job desires and create practical steps for achievement. Remember, they were once in your shoes and know what it takes to attain success. Through regular check-ins, mentors can hold you accountable to your goals and assess your progress. 

Guides you through your college journey

To say the least, navigating the hundreds of opportunities found across campus can feel overwhelming. From scholarships, to classes, to organizations, it is often difficult to narrow down the most important experiences. However, much like Athena to Telemachus, a mentor gives you the wisdom necessary to navigate college life. Mentors, especially older ones, understand the big picture and can offer recommendations based on your personal goals. 

Connects you with other professionals 

Networking is an essential aspect of every profession. It not only allows for an exchange of ideas but also opens the door to potential jobs. Mentors will likely introduce you to a wide circle of connections that may be useful to your future career. Who knows? Your mentor may have a contact who lands you your dream gig. 

Fosters personal and professional growth

A mentor can serve as an objective judge of your strengths and weaknesses. Each person is equipped with his or her own unique talents and insights. By providing honest feedback, your mentor can refine your skills and improve your temporary shortcomings. These improvements can help build the confidence necessary to succeed in life and your career.

Written by Blaine Bunch.